Friday, March 02, 2007

Does Dobsen Truly Speak for Us?

I continue to applaud the Vice President of the NEA for his willingness to stand up in the face of those who preach a gospel of intolerance. To me it is just plain audacity for Dobson to truly believe that he (Dobson) speaks for all Evangelicals

"If he cannot be trusted to articulate the views of American evangelicals on environmental issues, then we respectfully suggest that he be encouraged to resign his position with the NAE."

Dear Dr. Dobson - there are individuals within the Evangelical movement who do believe that we are to be the caretakers of this environment. We are to be on the forefront of insuring that generations to come have a world that is not only inhabitable but that it reflects the character and nature of God's creative power. There is a growing sense of discomfort Dr. Dobson, with the gospel that you and others articulate to the public at large. There is a growing number of individuals from my generation and younger - that hold to a gospel that demands respect for all people, all the environment, and a respect for the earliest roots of our faith.

I'd encourage all of us to contact the NEA and share with them our agreement with Rev. Cizik and ask for his continued presence within the NEA.

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